ICT IN EDUCATION AMONG HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS (A case study of The Polytechnic, Imesi-Ile, Osun State)

Adenusi D.A, Adebayo A.A, Oni B.O


Introduction of ICT usage, integration and diffusion has initiated a new age in educational methodologies, thus, it has radically changed traditional methods of teaching and learning patterns in the domain as well as offering contemporary learning experiences to both instructors and students. In this study, we have tried to measure the knowledge of one Higher Educational Institution; Department of Computer Science, the Polytechnic Imesi-Ile, Osun state, Nigeria. Global communication is accelerating at breakneck speed as a result of proliferating Information Communication Technology. ICT helps students to have an open and flexible mind. This will help the students to adjust to the inevitable future changes. One of this is the integration of ICT across the curriculum. At this stage student are introduced to basic programming, modeling and software application of technology everyday life. The study will answer the question of what student can do with ICT and the degree of ICT usage at their level. This project was introduce purposely to standardize the academic landscape in Nigeria includes the teaching and learning process, along with the educational programs and courses and the pedagogy or methodology of teaching; the research process, including dissemination and publication. ICTs are a potentially powerful tool for extending educational opportunities, both formal and non-formal, to previously underdeveloped constituencies or rural populations groups traditionally excluded from education due to cultural or social reasons such as ethnic countries, girls and women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly, as well as all others who for reasons of cost or because of time constraint are unable to enroll on campus. A questionnaire was designed and distributed on the usage of ICT among final year students at the polytechnic Imesi-Ile in Osun State. The study clearly reflects the level of knowledge that is important slices of higher education students have. And this revealed the usage of ICT education among final year student is still something to write home about, ICT has a very wide coverage among students.

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