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A, Olawuni, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Osun State Polytechnic Iree, Osun State Nigeria
A, Yusuf, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Villanova Polytechnic Imesi-Ile, Osun State Nigeria
A. U, Adekunle, aIbadan City Polytechnic, P.M.B. 10426, Ibadan, Oyo State.
A.A, Adebayo, Department of Computer Science, The Polytechnic Imesi-Ile, Osun State, Nigeria.
A.K, YUSUF, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Villanova Polytechnic, Imesi-Ile, Nigeria
ADEMOLA, ADEWALE, Department of Electrical Electronics Villanova Polytechnic Imesi-Ile Osun State, Nigeria
Adewale, Adeyemi John, Department of Electrical and Electronics Villanova Polytechnic Imesi-Ile,Osun State, Nigeria
Anthony, Babaniyi, Department of Computer Engineering Villanova Polytechnic, Imesi-Ile, Osun State.
Anthony, KANU Ikechukwu, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Tansian University, Umunya Anambra State
Anthony, Kanu Ikechukwu, Department of Philosophy University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Anthony, Kanu Ikechukwu, Department of Philosophy, University of Nigeria Nsukka
B.O, Oni, Department of Computer Science Villanova Polytechnic, Imesi-Ile P.M.B. 001 Imesi-Ile Osun State
Dauda, Adenusi, aIbadan City Polytechnic, P.M.B. 10426, Ibadan, Oyo State.
E. O, Oni, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Villanova Polytechnic Imesi-Ile, Osun State Nigeria
E.O, ONI, Department of Electrical Electronics Villanova Polytechnic Imesi-Ile Osun State, Nigeria
HONGHAI, GYANG CATHERINE, Department of library and information science University of Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
John, Fadoro, Electrical/Electronics Department Villanova Polytechnics, Imesi-Ile Osun State
Jonathan, Okeke, Department of Philosophy University of Calabar
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ISSN: 2672-4987