
Sigmund Freud was one of the more salient figures of the 20thcentury Philosophers who advanced his study mainly from the point of view of psycho analysis. He was a neurologist anduses his hermeneutics understanding of human mind to investigate into the nature of human civilization. We need to make laws to be based on our conscience because we needed to protect the structure of civilization in order to protect and preserve the affairs of our public conduct. So, the central theme in this paper therefore, runs through the diverse currents of dissatisfaction and unrest that mark the human civilization with the liberal exposure of individuality in human freedom. Hence, elaborating further on this, Freud tries to find a synergy of cooperation between the individuals and the state conduct of public policy. He studies the “mind” in relations to the human action via its emotional reaction to a situation and relatively his perceptions to his needs, interest or values that are incompatible with someone else. In line with the argument, he cautions about what can be deduced from the human experience into the amiable structure of the state, as the principle of law and order in the political community. The holistic approach to human existence and development must conform to an order of engagement in a mutual reciprocity, collaboration and inclusiveness with others in the political community. Here, in this conjecture of analysis, Freud was trying to avoid bridging the overly prescriptive about what conflict is all about in the society, but rather seek to reduce it by forming alliance with the state existentiall structure of public policy. The findings of the study therefore, support the thesis, that under a system of public policy analysis the whole aim of human rights are unilaterally for the common good. Specifically, it is a care for certain interest in which the people have in common. It is like what is beneficial to all in the community. So, Freud is in attempt to throw some light on how this can be done, in bridging the lacuna between the homogeneity of individuals and state political autocracy within the state political community. Here, we used the quantitative method analysis in examining several factors closely associated with this Freud theory of civilization and its discontent.

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