Chinyere Francisca Okafor


In recent times, critical opinions have been expressed concerning the u s e o f c o m p u t e r s b y s e c o n d a r y s c h o ol s t u d e n t s. I n t h i s s t u d y, i t e x a mi n e d t h e e s s e n c e o f c o m p u t e r s c i e n c e e d u c a ti o n i n Ni g e r ia n secondary schools. The world is now in the computer age, hence there is n e e d t o k e e p a b r e a s t o f ti m e t h r o u g h p r o m o ti o n o f t h e i n t r o d u c e d c o m p u t e r s c i e n c e e d u c a ti o n e s p e ci ally i n Nig e r i a n s e c o n d a r y s c h o ols. Technology has struggled to find its way into the classroom in all sorts of ways, from projectors and televisions to computer l aboratory and student s’ laptop. Along with improving the way students are taught in the classroom, it is also vital that students learn to use computers to i m p r o v e t h eir o w n w o r k a n d p r e p a r e f o r c a r e e r s i n a w o r ld w h e r e c o m p u t e r s h a v e b e c o m e a s c o m m o n a s t h e p e n cil. I n t h i s p a per, importance of computer science education and the need for computer s c i e n c e e d u c a ti o n i n s e c o n d a r y s c h o ols w e r e d i s c u s s e d, w a y s o f promoting computer science education in secondary schools were also articulated and recommendations made.

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