Adesola Olabiwonninu, Blessing Amole


Nigeria as a nation has been experiencing a lot of security challenges for so many years in almost every facet of life, which threatens Nigeria‟s peace and development. These challenges manifest in areas such as economy, education, politics, infrastructure and many others just to mention but a few. Despite all the plans and strategies being put in place by the government through security agencies and other measures, to combat these anomalies, little or no headway is being made to really make the nation attain an appreciable level of development. Instead, the state of the nation is being characterized by all sorts of structural challenges, insecurity, poverty, and short-fall in monthly allocations, unemployment, kidnapping, killings and many other forms of abnormalities. These have also brought about damages, loss of innocent lives and properties, weakness in internal security and national insecurity. In recent times, greater attention is being paid to the roles and activities of educational institutions in training good citizens in the nation. This is because education is considered a powerful instrument for change and development. In line with this ideology, Iyewarun (1989) submitted that education is an instrument by which young members of the society are brought up and socialized so as to secure useful and active members of society. To achieve this, various forms of educational programmes for the young ones in schools are put in place with the intention of making the youths more useful and active members of their societies.

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