Nnamdi Mbara, Louis Ekezie


Music, is a cultural expression determined, moulded, interpreted and coloured by culture and the cultural environment of a people. It is generally defined as an organized sound. Its concept varies from one society to another, hence it is necessary to understand what sounds and kind of behaviour different societies regard as music. According to some school of thought, “sociologically, the concept of music is defined by the society and it is concerned with the organized way in which people behave toward one another when they listen, produce or reproduce those sounds which they perceive as musicâ€. Music is an organized sound that is generally acceptable and appreciated by the populace. It enhances spatial intelligence in new-born and encourages self-discipline and diligence traits that carry over into intellectual pursuit that lead to effective study and work habits. Music is viewed as a product of the behaviour of any human group hence, the sound properties and non-sound elements organized from the human group behaviors are governed by the convention peculiar to the society.

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