Communicative Relevance of Movement as a Dramatic Intentional Object

Obiageli Theresa Nsolibe


Any venture that lacks effective communication is a failed venture. That is why when there is lack of effective communication we say there is communication gap. Communication is very relevant in all live experiences. Literature is not an exception and that portends the fact that the main aim of literature is communication to the society. This work centers on the relevance of communication in literature concerning movement as a dramatic intentional object. The main objective of this study is to showcase various ways movements are portrayed as dramatic intentional objects. This is because people lack the knowledge that movement assumes in drama the function of object. People are of the opinion that what constitute objects in drama are only the physical objects seen on stage in dramatic performance and to correct this erroneous impression this study is embarked upon. The study adopted the survey design. A total of three plays are selected from the dramatic works of G. I. Nwaozuzu. The three (3) works are Ome ihe jide ofo (OIJO), Nke m ji ka (NMJK) and Eruru (ER). From the analyses, it is observed that there are physical and psychological movements. Physical movement has to do with shifting or changing position of objects in dramatic performances while psychological movement is suggestive movement which is symbolic. This suggestive movement is shown in the names given to two of the texts under study- Ome ihe jide ofo and Nke m ji ka. Not much work has been done in this area and the researcher is suggesting that there is the need for other researchers to do more to put paid to darts of materials in this literary area.

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