Christian Ogwudile


This study investigates the concept and use of polysemy in Oghe Variant of Igbo language. Polysemy arises where one lexical item has two or more related meanings. There are some instances where polysemy brings about ambiguity which in turn distorts the meaning of lexical items. This study is based on literary meanings of polysemous lexemes in Oghe. There has not been a study of polysemy in Oghe variant of Igbo language to the best knowledge of the researcher. This prompted the researcher into investigating into this writeup. The objective of the study is to find out whether polysemy can exist in Oghe variety of Igbo without ambiguity. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher collected lexical items from indigenes of Oghe. The use theory of Wittgenstein is used as the theoretical frame work of the study. It is found out among other things that polysemy can exist in Oghe variant of Igbo without ambiguity with the aid of use and context. The study will help to enrich the Igbo vocabulary as well as help lexicographers in the compilation of a standard Igbo dictionary.

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