Nigerian Journals Online (NJOL)

Welcome to Nigerian Journals Online. Nigerian Journals Online is a website that hosts and indexes academic journals from different higher institutions and associations. NJOL is a great platform for online visibility of Nigerian researches and researchers through Open Journals System.

The editors of these journals make every effort in editing and correction to ensure the accuracy of the works. However, the editors are not responsible for any errors, mistake, and plagiarism  that may be found in any paper. Any views expressed in these journals are the views of the authors. Authors are responsible for any error, mistake and plagiarism in their papers.

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BIRD: Biblical and Intercultural Research and Development

BIRD is a scholarly intercultural and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal. Creative articles are welcome from diverse quarters. These may cut across such areas as biblical studies, religion and theology, as well as philosophical and social sciences. Each writer is free to formulate the title of the specific article, which should be creative, with evidence of good research and not exceeding 7000 words. Footnotes are preferred. Each article should be sent by e-mail attachment to the editor and should be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 200 words.

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Bluesland Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (BJASS) is a peer reviewed multi-disciplinary journal for the publication of researches in the arts and social sciences and beyond. The Journal welcomes both quantitative and qualitative studies in the field of humanities and sciences, especially interventional studies that reflect professionals' experiences worldwide. BJASS which is a quarterly publication, seeks to encourage the teaching of arts and social sciences in Arts and Social Science departments and also support and promote research in higher institutions of learning; hence the domiciliation of the journal in Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike, Nigeria for the next three years.

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Nigerian Journals Online is the home to Nigerian academic journals and publications. We host many journals here . Also, this is a platform for Faculties, Department and academic groups to appreciate, honour and publish ebooks and festschrifts to honour their colleagues.

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A publication of Nigerian Bar Association, Bori Branch.

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