Ifeanyichukwu Daniel Muo, Eugene Onuoha, Michael Uyanne


The study of relationship between language and society is the thrust of sociolinguistics.  Language is the product of a social group; which helps to concertize thought, and in turn shapes behaviour and group solidarity. Many language users perceive language as a block-building identity for representation. The way language is being used says a lot about us, our consciousness to identify with the common ideologies which is a function of shared experience, tied to linguistic similarities. So, the identity of every speaker of a language is inherently inseparable to his language. And as such every language act is an act of identity. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence and the linguistic power of pidgin and creole in multilingual Nigeria. From the perspective of language-identity, the paper assesses what motivates a language user to switch to a particular speech style: as a way of reflecting his intentions (attitudes or values). Data was generated through library review, interview, inventories, and observation. The result showed that Nigerians especially the youth are embracing Pidgin because it helps them to be counted among the unique group. This is manifested in music, comedy and also in the language of the security agencies. So, it is a clarion call; also a call for action to activate our linguistic consciousness for identity.

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