Benjamin Efe Akpoyibo


The theatre is a communal and ritualistic environment that encompasses different theatrical performances such as; dance, music and drama in a cultural festivity. In cultural festivity, the performer becomes a symbol of transmogrification in the realistic world by creating supernatural performer to communicate before an audience. The symbolic nature of realism that made Nigerian performance ritualistic has gone into extinction due to the Western influences. Thus, the transmogrification essence of cultural display in the 21st century is threatened; hence, there is a need, for a revival. This paper calls for revivalist strategy to give Nigerian performances strong identity that will not only represent just Nigerian culture, but also, return to what made culture relevant with its ritualistic essence, which play to interplay. In conclusion, there is a need to create identity for Nigerian cultural performances; to overcome the downslope or shortcoming on performers’ transmogrification to achieve full immersive potentials in the 21st century. The paper will therefore review symbolism in cultural performances, the transmogrification essence in performers’ among others.

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