Remigus Lemchi, Romanus Ogu


The teaching and learning of subjects at the post-primary level is usually at the front burner when discussing formal education.  Nowadays, the chain problems associated with teaching at this level often rear its ugly head and this has elicited various comments from Nigerian pedagogists and linguists in their concerted efforts to ameliorate the problems.  Even though problems associated with teaching and learning of a language like French are more of linguistics other than social at the level of secondary education and have necessitated concerns, it behoves on this contributor to share in this communication, some experiences  and propose some strategies that can ameliorate the problems of social status in the teaching and learning of French language at the post-primary level in Nigeria since for any school related programme to succeed, the process demands assiduous and passionate planning so as to accomplish the envisaged objectives set out by not only the government but also teachers and indeed school establishments.  In this article, the concept of social status is examined and an insight on the debut of sociolinguistics would follow while going further to equally examine school sociolinguistics.  The rather haphazard condition that Nigerian French secondary school students often entangled themselves into would equally form the fulcrum of this article.  Finally, we shall propose some measures to tackle the problems of social status in the teaching and indeed learning of French language at the post-primary level in Nigeria.

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