Marriage, Divorce and Welfare of Children in Nigeria

Ogbodo Chijioke Sunday


God created man in his image according to the bible. The initial intention of God towards man was cut short because man sinned. Sin was a result of man’s disobedience to God’s law. Ever since then, it has not been easy for man. Corruption, injustice, murder, envy and numerous other factors inhibits man’s joy and voluminous aspiration for better life in his environment. Infact Cain’s killing of Abel being the first recorded case of murder as a result of jealousy has continued to unleash devastating effect on man. This work is therefore an insight into the concept of marriage, divorce and welfare of children in Nigeria. Using doctrinal approach, this article analyzes the challenges of marriage, pointing out that some marital challenges usually lead to divorce. Recommendations were also made to either reduce the number of divorce cases or cushion the effect on children.

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