Sport in National Integration and Cohesion in Africa: Focus on Football Development in Nigeria, 1945-2008

Ugochukwu, M. Ozoemenam; Chidiobi, Okechukwu Christian


The role of sports in society cannot be overemphasized or doubted. The influence of sport in the society dates back to nine century B.C in ancient Greece era. Wars were postponed or suspended and peace made during the period of the Olympic. Over the years, other organized modern societies have copied this example. In the case of Nigeria, for instance, we find that since independence, life has become interwoven with almost all sporting activities. We find also that sport has integrated with almost all cultural activities: political, economic, social and psychological aspects of life. There has been intermixing between youths of diverse backgrounds, and this has created a healthy competitive spirit, a feeling of oneness or team spirit among athletes and spectators with the playing team, and produced sport men and women of high caliber where there is no discrimination of language or religion. By paving the way in building up the spirit of integration at the local level and finally at the national level, sport became a common denominator of national integration in Nigeria. Obviously, a development such as this calls for a re-centring of the concept of sport, particularly, football, in nation-building. The main thrust of the paper, therefore, is to assess how football has galvanized Nigeria and made it an absolute integrated football unit, through a sophisticated football governing body called the Nigeria Football Federation. Focusing on the historical trajectory, environment, and structure of the game, the paper finds out that football played a role as a major catalyst and uniting force in Nigeria’s checkered history, and we have the national teams to salute for the wonderful job of lifting trophies upon trophies in international competitions. However, the paper posits that considering the noble attainment of football in Nigeria’s annals, the full potential of the game should be well harnessed towards the development of the country. This would pull Nigeria’s football industry out of the present state of underdevelopment due to negligence. This paper is historical; hence, it adopts a qualitative method of analysis. Useful pieces of information were drawn from the Internet, relevant extant literature, published documents and media reports on football matters.

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