Sanitizing the African Socio-Political Sphere for Good Governance

Chukwu Ezechi


This paper posits that the African socio-political sphere is a vast circle in need of sanitization. It acknowledges that the African socio-political system needs a change of political theory. In this vein, the paper identifies and condemns the present ongoing corruption, bribery and embezzlement of public funds typical of the current socio-political space. These and other institutional flaws obviously lead to bad governance and of course lack of service delivery. As a solution, the work starts with the notion of political theory which is nothing but the attempt of man to understand the circumstances surrounding his group and societal problems and eventually proffers adequate solutions to them. Consequently, the work proffers that Africans should readopt African socialism which is founded on the spirit of familyhood, brotherhood and communality. These are the fundamental features of the political philosophy which was bequeathed to Africa by the likes of Nyerere and Senghor. It minimizes corruption, greed and also promotes unity, moderation and social obligation.

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