Style and Characterizationin Igbo Drama: The Aesthetics Study of Nwata Rie Awá» G. O. Onyekaá»nwụ

Chinelo Anachunam & Charles Nneke


The study explores the use of style and character to drive home the message in the Igbo Literary work under study. The character created in the work of art goes a long way to determine its beauty in line with its story line. In the Igbo Literary work under study, Onyekaonwu is able to combine style and character to achieve his aim in the work. The objective of the study is to draw the readers’ attention to the author’s command in the use of style and character in the work. It is the command in the use of style and character, help to give the work prominent position amongst Igbo Literary Works. Style and character when passionately waived by creative artist, have a way of creating lasting impression in the mind of readers. The researchers embark on this study to highlight on the use style and character in the selected Igbo drama. The literary theory adopted for analysis of the study is psychoanalytical theory. The sources of data for the study includes: library and internet sourced materials, which collectively formed the population of the study. At the end of the study, the researchers found out that principle of karma is at work in the drama text. The author achieved success in the use of style and character in the literary work. The study would be of great value to the public, teachers, students, as well as the upcoming researchers in style, character and literature.

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