Choir: the Custodian of the Sacred Music Composer’s Effective Work

Ebenezer C. Ukwe & C.M. Achike


Music composition is an art. Sacred music composition is an act of creating a religious music that is used for worship. Its acceptability and general appreciation depends on the emotional impact it makes on the listeners. This can be majorly achieved, based on the capability of the composer to get well organized and trained singers that can effectively interpret the work. The interpretation and good performance of the work depends on the choristers’ vocal ability. A well groomed choir that has the skill to interpret and sing effectively makes the composer acceptable by the public, but a well composed music in very poor or weak choristers may mare the composer’s gift. This work is on the need to have a well-organized choir to complement and expose the composer’s gift in the art. We shall look into the services of both the composer and the choir, to know how each compliments another. The sustainability of the choir as singers is discussed. Observations, interactions with skilled sacred music composers and directors, practice and longtime experience, are the methodology employed. It concludes by recommending that more attention should be paid in sustaining standard choirs in our respective churches for effective performance.

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