Chidiebere Onwuekwe, Toluwani David, Benjamin Ike Nnoli


A quick glance at various art exhibition halls in Nigeria reveal lots of sculptural pieces, paintings, textiles and drawings dominating the scene, with a very few prints, cartoons, videos and photographs, hanging here and there in exhibition venues. While a few practicing graphic artists display photographs and digitally manipulated images in exhibition halls, many have little or no clue of what to display in art exhibition halls, unlike painters and Sculptors who are always ready to display finished work in any media. Again, graphic artists mainly produce functional and industrial art and as a result, do not deem them fit to be exhibited. Thus this study shall highlight what visual communication design is, areas of specialization, and academic curriculum for the subject matter, thereby establishing what a practicing visual communication artists should display in both solo and group art exhibitions in Nigeria. The research method was literature review and discussions using samples of commissioned and personal works of some graphic artists as examples. The inference drawn from this research handed a vivid picture of what and how graphic artists should prepare for exhibition, market their creative prowess and help reposition their quest for identity among the Nigerian artists.

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