Ojukwu Ebele Veronica, Onyiuke Young Sook


Quality education for young students is critical not only for individual growth, but also for a society’s future. Considering the fact that cultural and creative arts is indispensable in the lives of the young students, paying attention to the methodology of teaching the subject is very essential. The success of cultural and creative arts programme in the pre-tertiary schools depends on how much emphasis that is laid in the teaching and learning carried out by the teachers and students of CCA. This should be geared towards achieving a well rationalized system of cultural and creative arts education that can sustain the transmission of age-old indigenous knowledge and a systemized practices and creative advancement effectively. This paper is therefore aimed at providing an integrated approach towards effective teaching of cultural and creative arts in the secondary school in which the ultimate goal is to have each student achieve his/her maximum potential both artistically and academically. The paper also discusses the obstacles to CCA teachers’ performance. Survey and library method of research is employed. It concludes by recommending for constant re-training of the teachers of CCA in order to get them acquainted in the new teaching methods focused on the innovative techniques of teaching CCA.

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