Olaolu Emmanuel ADEKOLA & Olumoroti Olaniyi AWOLERE


Ìjálá, a form of oral poetry, is a ceremonial song for the hunters’ guild and people in traditional Yorùbá society. It is used for different ceremonies such as yearly celebrations to commemorate Ògún, naming ceremonies among the hunters, housewarming, preparation for hunting expeditions, and celebration after hunting activities using different musical ensembles such as Àg??r??. Earlier studies have given attention to its literary narratives and description but silent about how the didactic import generated from some of its themes. This study was therefore designed to examine selected themes in Ìjálá music with a view to identifying its didactic import thereby advancing the earlier position with a new meaning for contemporary exigency. The study adopted ethnographic research design using qualitative method of data collection. The two major approaches commonly associated with musicological research were employed: field work and deskwork. Information and musical repertories emanating from sessions of interview the authors personally conducted with Pa Alabi Ogundepo, one of the surviving exponents of Ìjálá in Yorùbá society, formed the data for the study. Observation and key informant interview were utilised as data were recorded on audio and video media. The data were contextually analysed. The findings revealed that themes in Ìjálá music, as performed by Alabi Ogundepo include educational, moralistic and philosophical themes. Analysis of these selected themes shows that Ìjálá music has some didactic imports which are beneficiary to the contemporary usages especially for the younger generation.

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