feoma P. Okechukwu & IEunice U. Ibekwe


This research investigates the sustainability of music for tourism development in Nigerian society. As such, music seminars, workshops, symposia and performances in and outside the country involve tourism which enhances material development. As a matter of fact, when music is well and duly sustained for tourism development, life will be more meaningful and attractive for travelers, transporters and tourist centres. Moreover, for tourism and tourists’ movements, the main need is for the travelers/guests to get satisfaction as well as security to be ensured. Likewise, there is serious need for quality improvement purposes for the nation’s development through tourism. However, the issue on how to handle and make music sustainable and useful in making tourism worthwhile has not been given credit and worthy recognition in Nigeria. Therefore, the work sets out to do an investigative study on how the sustainability of music can be of immense advantage for tourists in particular and tourism in general. The work hinges on the theories of sustainability, socio-cultural and tourism basis. Data collected was made through library, interviews and internet assets. From the findings, proof was made that when music is well sustained in life ramification for travelers and their agents, life will be more attractive and enjoyable because music is life for the Africans at large and Nigeria in particular because they appreciate music a lot in all their events from cradle to grave.

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