Employing Glass wastes in mixed media Sculpture exploration



Wastes result from utilization of resources within the ecosystem. The natural environment within the pre-industrial era was able to recycle almost all wastes generated. Through biodiversity and inter-dependability nature serviced and wastes itself. Industrialization presented man with the problem of waste glut. Not all wastes present can be recycled or easily disposed. In Nigeria, most metallic wastes and many aspects of plastic wastes are recycled or exported for recycling but glass wastes remain a problem. Thus the need arises for research and exploration into possible ways through which glass wastes can be reused. Art particularly sculpture is versatile both in media and technique. This research is therefore aimed at finding avenues that can render glass wastes employable as sculptural medium. The experiment is necessity be free with regards to concept media mix and combination. This affords the research ample scope and freedom. The results are in free standing relief forms and installations. Some are functional utilitarian or just aesthetic or both. The projects have provided means of reducing the mammoth of glass wastes clogging and degrading the environment and ecosystem. It also opened new trends and causeways in art and industry generally.

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