Types, Characteristics and Importance of Illustration

Osaigbovo Felix Onaiwu


We live in an increasingly digital world with our work tools like the computer, tablet, and smart phone, each with some form of image-capture technology. Teaching and research gadgets are also outfitted with carefully chosen, high quality and high-resolution cameras, which are invaluable tools. These devices make taxonomic research much easier, if not more robust. None-the-less, there is still much to be said for a well-crafted illustration. Digital imagery, while an exceptional resource, still does not completely capture the morphological complexity and minutia of insects such as the Chironomidae (specie of insect) quite like a hand-drawn or digitally-inked illustration. Even with expensive and high-quality techniques such as “z-stacking,†it is still difficult, if not impossible, to fully capture minute details that can be easily conveyed with a simple stroke of the pen. The crux or nexus of this study is the characterization of illustration and its importance as it applies to our design process.

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