KANU Ikechukwu Anthony


This paper is a comparative study of Amadioha known as the son of Chineke, and sometimes
referred to as the husband of Ala in Igbo traditional religion, with the person of Jesus Christ, the
Son of God and the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity of the Christian religion. The
comparative method of investigation is, therefore, employed to investigate the possibility of
relationships between Amadioha in Igbo Religion and Jesus Christ. It strongly asserts that
certain similarities exist between Amadioha worshipped among the Igbo before the advent of
Christianity, and Jesus Christ of the Christian religion. While it does not in any way attempt at
equating Amadioha with Jesus Christ, this paper believes that Amadioha, rather being thrown to
the background as a pagan deity can be understood as an imperfect expression of Christ given to
the Igbo in preparation for the revelation of Christ. Christ would have been more comprehensible
to the Igbo if the missionaries to move from the understanding of Amadioha to the understanding
of Jesus Christ, rather than presenting the gospel message as an entirely new message to the
Igbo. Catechesis always make more impact if it begins from what the people know to what they do
not know.

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