KANU Ikechukwu Anthony


Edeh further discussed the nature of being, a fundamental issue in metaphysics.  He posits a notion of being that is derived from a dual loci: from the Igbo language and the Igbo concept of the human person Edeh says that it is born from the fact that human beings are the principal focus of the Igbo physical world, basically comprising the human and non-human. This is expressed in Igbo names and proverbs: madu-ka (Human beings are the greatest) madu-bisi (Human life is the first). From the foregoing, one becomes aware of what is through an awareness of the human person as a visible concrete instance of what exists. But this would not be the area of concern in this piece. The researcher is primarily concerned with Edeh’s derivation of being from the Igbo language.

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Edeh, E. (1985). Towards ab Igbo metaphysics. Chicago: Loyola University Press. Iroegbu, P. (1995). Metaphysics: The kpim of philosophy. Owerri: International Universities Press. Kanu, I. A. (2012). “From ‘onye’ to ‘ife’ hypothesis: The Contribution of Edeh to the Development of the Concept of Beingâ€. Published in the Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research. Vol. 9. No. 3. December 2012. pp 227235. Kanu, I. A. (2012). “The Problem of Being in Metaphysicsâ€. Published in African Research Review: An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal. Vol.6. No.2. April. pp. 113-122. Kanu, I. A. (2012). “Being Qua Belongingness: The Provenance and Implications of Pantaleon’s Redefinition of Beingâ€. Published in Uche: Journal of the Department of Philosophy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Vol. 17. December, pp. 57-58. Kanu, I. A. (2013). “The Quest for the Nature of Being in African Philosophyâ€. Published in the Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religion, Vol. 2. No. 2. pp. 391-407.

Kanu, I. A. (2014). “Being and the Categories of Being in Igbo Philosophyâ€. African Journal of Humanities. Volume 1. Issue 1. pp. 144-159. A Publication of the Faculty of Arts, Kaduna State University, Kaduna.


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