Bartholomew Nnaemedo


Every aspect of human life has its own prospects and challenges. The same applies to rural development communication. It is plagued by a host of constraints. This ranges from individual-related constraints to environment-related species. Nonetheless, the focus of this research is on the former. Hence, this research undertakes a critical appraisal of the various ways individual members of rural communities, especially in developing countries, can contribute to the mal-functioning of their development communication. Here the stress is on how actions or inactions of some individuals in rural communities can contribute to underdevelopment via poor communication output. Among these individual-related factors, this research underpins poverty, illiteracy ignorance/prejudice and greed/corruption as the ones that bear particular negative impacts on the said development. Besides, while admitting the subsequent benefits derivable from a reversal of these individual-related constraints, the work argues that proper working of the said development communication requires more than the actions of the individual members of rural communities. Collaboration of all the stakeholders of rural development communication is vital. Further, participatory development communication is imperative.

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