Innocent – Franklyn Ezeonwuka


Definite in identity and location, though lucidly and denigratively referred to contemptuously within and outside Nigeria, the coinage ‘Upper Iweka’ has continued to attract and evoke caution, awe and timely comfort to various diverse peoples. Fearfully pungent or viably attractive as the case may be, dating from 1970, this eponym has consistently evolved into a two – pronged hybrid formula; a spectacular philosophical conceptual package and a contextual ‘Bermuda Triangle’ of Igbo land, spanning and spurting incidents relatively larger than life. Though domiciled in Onitsha, Anambra state within an advantageous focal city-wide central location, proximity-wise, it has remained unavoidable to those who would have preferred to evade passing through it. Possessing and exhibiting a patented cultural pattern and peculiarity exhibited through thought sequence, orientation and outlook on life, this social package has not only remained a trending referral within and even beyond the Nigerian borders as a reliable survival option, but a burgeoning concept, fast appealing to, and appeasing a great number of upcoming Nigerian youths who are survival-challenged. The paper argues that, since unfolding scenario in all sectors in Nigeria presently appear to be glorifying anarchy and chaos, resort to and the practice of the ‘Upper Iweka’ concept, present an alluring reliance, hence one could remark and conclude thus – ‘oburo soso na Onicha ka opa iweka di’ (upper Iweka is not only in Onitsha). Sequel to the enormous acknowledged short comings of interrogating this syndrome merely through the ambit of social theories, an eclectic methodology, driven by environmental history and psychohistorical developments, were adopted and deployed as relevant decoders in this research. The paper submits that, mere removal or changing of the locational name of ‘Upper Iweka’ from the Onitsha enclave may not readily solve the evident and emergent issues of human tragedy there, more so the much more contextual problem of the overbearing machinations of psychopaths who roam the strategic contours of that axis. Reflective of encultured and accultured traits, supported by an absurd tradition of managerial derelictory direction, this octopus thrives.

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