Emmanuel Chukwujekwu Ikenga


This work is an attempt to provide a succinct account of the relationship between citizenship and migration. It does this by highlighting the variables and contending issues which confront states and organized societies in their quest to determine who qualifies to become a citizen and who does not, as well as challenges associated with the process of migration and rights of migrants. In this regard, this work recommends a middle ground approach which supports neither unregulated open door approach nor insensitive restriction of migrants with genuine needs. At the domestic level, this work also suggests the removal of “state of origin†provision in the official documentation of Nigerians as this would galvanize them to consider themselves primarily as Nigerians before any other parochial considerations. The work concludes by making some other recommendations towards ensuring that the challenges associated with citizenship and migration are either prevented or nipped in the bud. In carrying out this research the methodology is qualitative while employing theoretical analysis in the research. This is because this is a research in political philosophy which relies mainly on literature rather than data for information and proof.

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