Theodora Ngozi Nnebedum, Chinedum Enweonye


Translators often find it difficult when exposed to certain texts like scientific or technical texts because of myriad of a terms involved. This then leads to living many gaps unfilled in the translating process. For this and other reasons, the researchers embarked on a research work that dealt on terminology and its place in translation. Definitions were given, books were consulted and various processes of term formulation were explored. Some terms were analyzed and grouped based on their different fields and domains. Translation strategies were examined and given so as to enable translators fill in gaps normally found in the target language(s). These, in other words, ensure that translators overcome all the teething problems encountered during translating processes especially when dealing with scientific and technical texts. Finally, the researchers observed that terminological courses need to be taught in translation classes. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended borrowing, new word creations, coinage and even adaptation as a means of solving the terminological problem mostly found in our indigenous languages.

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