Daniel Ilechukwu, Chioma Arazu


Translation is the transfer of text from one language to another.There are different techniques involved in translation. These methods in question make translation smooth and clear. They include: technological translation, general translation and literary translation. But this paper is concerned with mainly literary translation. Though it is obvious that many scholars have done works on English-Igbo translation of prose, none has transated Chike and the River from English to Igbo. In order to ensure accuracy, different techniques were employed such as loaning, calque, transposition and equivalence. The theory of Dynamic Equivance of 1790 propounded by Alexandra Tythlei was adopted. The translation of this prose is set to avail an opportunity to those who have no knowledge of English to read it in Igbo, thereby learning the mind of the author of the book. It is also set to arouse the interest of literary translators which will in turn lead to the development of the domain. Findings in the book reveal that obedience secures a child’s progress and life. Another finding reveals that translation is not done word-to-word, but rather based on the meaning in the context.

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