Jude Ifeanyi Onebunne


Globalization has made it possible that the world is much closer than ever in spite of colour, race and language disparities. Because of the complexity in ethnic, religious and political construction of the African society, clashes, incongruities and feud have remained inexorable. Hence, the necessity for the introduction of Peace Education expected to inculcate and imbibe in Africans a sense of tolerance and accommodation of individuals irrespective of their socio - cultural, religious and psychological stan ce is pertinent. Peace Education is a type of education that advocates unity in diversity, diversity in unity, spirit of communalism, belongingness, Ubuntu and EBUB; all African concepts that preach tolerance, peace and brotherliness. With the method o f c r i ti c al a n aly si s a n d h i s t o r i c al e v alu a t io n, t h i s p a p e r r e vi e w s A f r i c a n concept of peace before and after independence, the neglect of the core A f r i c a n v alu e s, b eli e f s a n d t h e A f r i c a n ni t y o f t h e A f r i c a n s b e f o r e c olo ni ali s m a n d E u r o p e a n s u b j u g a t io n s a n d r e c o m m e n d s t h a t t o a c h i e v e stability and national growth and development in the African society, there is need for the reconstructing of the African philosophy of education to accommodate such concepts like peace education, h istory education and even moral educ ation and that this subject should be made compulsory in the primary and secondary school level s where children are exposed at a very tender age to the benefits of maintaining peace and harmony with all.

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