Asụsụ Igbo: Enyo Ngosipụta Ndụ na Njirimara Ndị Igbo

Patrick Ik. Umezi


Nchá»cha a bụ maka asụsụ Igbo: enyo ngosipụta ndụ na njirimara ndị Igbo. Ihe nwanchá»cha bu n’obi bụ igosipụta etu asụsụ Igbo si egosipụta ndụ na njirimara ndị Igbo. Ihe kpalitere nwanchá»cha ime nchá»cha a bụ na á»tụtụ ụmụafá» Igbo ejizighi asụsụ Igbo kpá»rá» ihe. Ọ bụ maka nke a ka nwanchá»cha ji chá»á» ime nchá»cha a iji gosipụta na á» bụ n’asụsụ Igbo ka ndụ na njirimara ndị Igbo gbadoro ụkwụ. Ya bụ na e wepu asụsụ Igbo, a mara na ndụ ndị Igbo enweghi isi. A bịa n’omenala Igbo, tupu ụfá»dụ emụme adị ire, a ga-ejirịrị asụsụ Igbo mee ha, dị ka emume á»jị na emume ndị á»zá». Ya bụ na echiche ndị Igbo na-agbado ụkwụ n’asụsụ Igbo. Mgbe e mechara nchá»cha a, a chá»pụtara ụzá» dị iche iche asụsụ Igbo si ezipụta ndụ na njirimara ndị Igbo. A chá»pụtakwara na e nwegasịrị ihe ndị bụ ihe mkpá»bi ụkwụ nye uto na mgbasa asụsụ Igbo. E lebakwara anya n’ihe ndị e merela iji kwalite á»ná»dụ asụsụ Igbo n’ala Igbo na n’ebe ndị á»zá» dị iche iche na senturi nke iri abụỠna otu. Ihe á»zá»kwa a chá»pụtara bụ ihe ndị a ga-eme iji kwalite á»ná»dụ asụsụ Igbo n’ogo dị elu. E bu n’uche na mpụtara nchá»cha a ga-eweta mgbanwe n’echiche ụmụafá» Igbo gbasara asụsụ Igbo, ma mee ka ndị Igbo hụ asụsụ ha n’anya ma na-asụkwa ya n’ebe niile. Ya bụ na ndị Igbo kwesiri ikuli kwalite, chekwaa ma na-asụkwa asụsụ Igbo; maka na asụsụ bụ ndụ na njirimara mba.

This paper is about Igbo language as a reflection of Igbo life and identity. Having observed the high rate of decline in the use of Igbo language among the people of Igbo origin, the researcher was motivated to research and bring to light how the Igbo language stands as the mirror that reflects the life and identity of the Igbo people. As such, to lose Igbo language amounts to loss of the life and identity of Igbo race. In Igbo land, the validity of some cultural ceremonies lies in the ceremony being conducted in Igbo language. Example is the ceremony of kola nut. At the end, the research proved that Igbo language is the mirror that reflects the Igbo life and identity of Igbo people in different ways. It also shows different factors militating against the progress of Igbo language. Furthermore, there was a look at the efforts made in twenty-first century to promote Igbo language in Igbo land and beyond. Finally, the research suggested ways to promote the Igbo language to a higher level. By and large, the Igbo people should guide, promote and protect Igbo language because extinction of the language means the extinction of Igbo identity.

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