Stylistics and Setting Mise en Scène in Television: Examining their Impact on Audience Aesthetic Appreciation

Ekhato, Emmanuel Zelinjo


This study was anchored on the tenets of semiotics theory or semiology and author’s theory. It investigated the extent to which style and setting choices within a television series affect audience engagement and aesthetic appreciation. The study became necessary to ascertain the growing impact of stylistic choices and setting on viewer’s appreciation as well as television production and analysis. Literature-modelling and Survey design was employed with the aid of 11-items questionnaire. The sample cut across 400 residents of Aniocha north local government area which were selected through sample random and purposive sampling techniques to reflect and represent all the residents of Aniocha north LGA in ten wards. Data obtained were analyzed and presented with frequency table, simple percentage and mean scores. The study found that that television mise-en-scene contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and narrative coherence, which can enhance audience engagement and appreciation. Majority of respondents in Aniocha north agreed that they are exposed to television programmes and films. And to a large extent the style and setting choice within a television series affect their audience engagement and their aesthetic appreciation greatly. Therefore, the study concluded thataudience engagement and aesthetic appreciation depend largely on the director’s stylistic choices and setting mise en scène. As the interplay of style and setting creates meaning and engages viewers. Revealing, that Mise en scene is the nucleous of every film and television programme. Film or television programme cannot be shot without an appropriate setting and style; It was recommended that the directors and producers should top up their games with innovative idea to survive this current age of digitalization by improving day by the day. This is essential in order to withstand the postmodernism point of view.

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