Teaching Intonation to Second Language Speakers of English

Akinola Oyeyinka Patience & Nzejiogu, Mercy Zainab


Intonation is an essential prosodic feature of speech which occurs as a result of variations in the pitch of our voices when we speak. These variations do not change the lexical meanings of the words we employ but they alter their semantic and or non- dictionary meanings. Regardless of its importance however, many Nigerians and other non- native English speakers across the globe do not apply intonation properly and this affects their intended messages as comprehensibility is often distorted. Although many Oral English and Phonetics/ Phonology textbooks discuss intonation types and functions, not much is found on teaching techniques for intonation in those materials. In effect, relying mainly on secondary sources of information gathering, this paper presents a review on the ways through which English intonation can be taught in second language settings alongside the causes of its poor/ non- usage. The study concludes that teaching intonation in a practical, interactive and fun filled environment using modeling, controlled drilling and role playing, the visuals and other technological resources among other techniques, will help to demystify misconceptions about intonation and makes its teaching and learning very effortless.

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