Israeli/Palestinian Debacle: Western Posturing and Israeli Disproportionality in the 21st Century, A Sword of Damocles?

Ezeonwuka Innocent-Franklyn


This study was carried out to assess the place and depth of western posturing and Israeli disproportional response to the ongoing Palestinian/Israeli intractable conflict. Just as the October, 7th 2023 Hamas attack realistically introduced and deepened the grievances and unfolding scenario within this area, quite aware that variegated enormous energy, time and resources have been expended pursing the highly elusive peace, to no avail, this study while recognizing a host of other secondary contributing contentions on the ground, primarily identify and accuse the stance and actions of the United States and its allies as the major obstacle to this much needed peace. While utilizing the historical analysis tool, the study gravitated into the Conflict Trap Theory by extension. In supporting the study’s assertion, findings revealed not only the reverberating effect of this conflict on the international level, but the unfair detailed encumbrances and support provided by the western powers for Israel, against the Palestinians, driven by diverse interests. How could peaceful restoration on fair principles be attained, when the United States, an umpire in the issue vehemently deploys its resources, influence and its United Nations veto power to prevent the aversion and recognition of Palestine as a UN recognized state, and by implication opposing the proposed popular two-state solution to the crisis? Israeli cumulative blatant disregard of International Law, including the United Nations directives on this prolonged conflict remains a novel issue. Dubbed by the US as the strongest democracy in the Middle East, dwelling on the multiplicity of support from the all-powerful mainstream news media, including the Western governments, steady supply of various military hardware and intelligence, one may understand why Israel’s presenting egoistic platform may not allow it condescend into certain national compromises in pursuit of peace. The paper would want to address this issue; Is Israel above the law? In analysing Israel’s toxic legacy in Palestine, emboldened by the West through contradictions and fabricated narratives, the paper argues that rather than reprisals and campaign dictated by Zionist extremism, the embers fanning Israel’s ego and disproportionate responses should be checkmated to venture an empathic understanding, hence diminishing Israel’s stereotypic genocidal responses. However, if not peace, could both contending parties be heading for a disastrous existential solution? The West could do better by adjusting its faulty posture which is detrimental to lasting peace.

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