HAMIDU, Muazu; LIADI, Ismael Adewale & TIJANI, Noheemat Olaitan


Achieving an affordable clean energy in accordance to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 7) is a challenge in Nigeria and other African countries. Most of the currently used energy strategies are either not sustainable or poorly maintained. Nigeria is a major exporter of fossil fuel but currently faced with serious energy crisis, which necessitates the search for a sustainable renewable form of energy as substitute to fossil fuel in order to meet the SDG 7 target. Biofuel has been recognised as a sustainable form of renewable and alternative energy in Nigeria with sugarcane, cassava, plant seed and waste materials as possible feedstock for the production. The feedstocks are mostly obtainable and available nearly everywhere in Nigeria with the likelihood of maximizing them to drive social and economic growth to people and the nation at large. Using biofuel as renewable and alternative source of energy also has some challenges, impact and prospects. The challenges include social, economic, environmental and technical issues that arise from biofuel production and use. The social and economic issues include the ‘food versus fuel’ debate and the need to develop responsible policies and economic instruments to ensure sustainable biofuel production. The environmental concerns include deforestation, biodiversity loss and soil erosion. The impact of biofuel production is generally about the fewer emissions of greenhouse gases when burned in an engine and are generally considered carbon-neutral fuels as the carbon they emit has been captured from the atmosphere by the crops used in biofuel production. The prospects of biofuel as substitute source of energy in Nigeria are enormous; it will not only boost the economic development of Nigeria but will also ensure energy security. It was recommended that government should diversify it sources of energy from fossil fuel to biofuel as substitute and at the same time maximized her biomass resources for socio-economic growth.

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