Choristers’ Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Strategies Adopted for Effective Transfer of Musical Knowledge among Mainline and Pentecostal Christian Churches in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
The study investigated choristers' sociodemographic characteristics and strategies toeffectively transfer musical knowledge among Mainline and Pentecostal Christian churchChoirs in Abeokuta, O gun State, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to obtainrelevant data for the study. The multi stage sampling procedure was employed for the study,while a simple random sampling technique was adopted to select 367 choristers acrossMainline and Pentecostal churches. This was further subjected to face validity and reliabilitytests using the split half method. A Cronbach Alpha value of 0.8>??0.7 attested to theinstrument's reliability. Frequency distribution, standard deviation, bar chart, mean ( ), chisquare, analysis of variance, and independent samples t test were the analytical tools used forthe study. Choristers strongly agreed that music instructors and leaders should be musicallyskilful as a fundamental strategy for effectively transferr ing musical knowledge. A significantrelationship exists between strategies for the transfer of musical knowledge and agec2= 11.058), marital status ( c2= 8.902), educational status ( c2= 9.959), voice part usedc2= 19.077) and years spent as a chorister ( c2= 5.506). A significant difference exists in themean ratings of strategies for the effective transfer of musical knowledge (t= 2.122) acrosschurches selected for the study. There is a significant relationship between the need formusical knowledge transfer and strategies such as training instructors and improving theirknowledge and skilfulness (t= 3.057; p?0.05), simplicity of teaching and learning methodsand interchange of methods, among others, were seen as a primary requirement for effectivetransfer o f music knowledge. It is recommended that instructors, directors and choristers bemusically trained, knowledgeable, and skilful for the overall development of the churchmusic industry.
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