Choristers’ Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Strategies Adopted for Effective Transfer of Musical Knowledge among Mainline and Pentecostal Christian Churches in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

SORETIRE, Eyitayo Aderonke; Okedairo, Olufemi Olalekan; Ologundudu, Rotimi Peters


The study investigated choristers' sociodemographic characteristics and strategies toeffectively transfer musical knowledge among Mainline and Pentecostal Christian churchChoirs in Abeokuta, O gun State, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to obtainrelevant data for the study. The multi stage sampling procedure was employed for the study,while a simple random sampling technique was adopted to select 367 choristers acrossMainline and Pentecostal churches. This was further subjected to face validity and reliabilitytests using the split half method. A Cronbach Alpha value of 0.8>??0.7 attested to theinstrument's reliability. Frequency distribution, standard deviation, bar chart, mean ( ), chisquare, analysis of variance, and independent samples t test were the analytical tools used forthe study. Choristers strongly agreed that music instructors and leaders should be musicallyskilful as a fundamental strategy for effectively transferr ing musical knowledge. A significantrelationship exists between strategies for the transfer of musical knowledge and agec2= 11.058), marital status ( c2= 8.902), educational status ( c2= 9.959), voice part usedc2= 19.077) and years spent as a chorister ( c2= 5.506). A significant difference exists in themean ratings of strategies for the effective transfer of musical knowledge (t= 2.122) acrosschurches selected for the study. There is a significant relationship between the need formusical knowledge transfer and strategies such as training instructors and improving theirknowledge and skilfulness (t= 3.057; p?0.05), simplicity of teaching and learning methodsand interchange of methods, among others, were seen as a primary requirement for effectivetransfer o f music knowledge. It is recommended that instructors, directors and choristers bemusically trained, knowledgeable, and skilful for the overall development of the churchmusic industry.

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