
Assisted  reproductive  technology,  which  includes  all  the  procedures  that  help  in  the  achievement  of  asuccessful pregnancy, is seriously gaining popularity in Nigeria as couples now resort to it to give effect to the societal demand on them to sustain their lineages through childbearing. Although a lot of children have born through this practice, the central problem of this paper is to ascertain the legal status of assisted reproductive technology in Nigeria and whether there is any law in place regulating the practice. Thus, the paper examined the various practice of assisted reproductive technology on-going in Nigeria today. It also made a comparative analysis of the situation in Nigeria with  a  few  selected  jurisdictions  with  the  aim  of  stimulating  the  Nigerian  legislature  to  action  in  that  regard.  It further made a case for the declaration of the legal status of assisted reproductive technology in Nigeria by way of legislation.  The  paper  adopted  doctrinal  method  of  research  by  which  it  x-rayed  the  laws  regarding  assisted reproduction existing in other jurisdictions. It further adopted analytical/descriptive approaches to drive  home  the position  of  this  paper.  The  paper  found  that  although  the  practice  of  assisted  reproductive  technology  has  put  a smile  on  the  faces  of  many  couples  and  even  individuals  in  Nigeria,  Nigeria  is  yet  to  take  any  legal  position  for against or against the practice; as such there is no known legal framework regulating this practice as at the time of writing the paper. This creates a lacuna as to the legal issues such as paternity and maternity of such children, may arise  from  the  practice.  The  paper  argued  that  the  silence  of  the  legislature  as  to  the  legal  status  of  assisted reproductive technology in Nigeria creates a lacuna as parties to the practice are not sure of their respective rights and  obligation  under  the  arrangement.  Hence,  the  paper  recommends  the  enactment  of  a  law  for  or  against  the practice of assisted reproductive technology in Nigeria so as to make for legal certainty; give direction to both the beneficiaries and agents of assisted reproduction in Nigeria; and forestall baby-selling

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