Rosemary Nkechi OGUERI


Boko Haram insurgency is prevalent in the North-eastern part of Nigeria. The group believes that ‘WesternEducation is forbidden’ and opposes westernization, which it views as negatively impacting Islamic values. Thegroup has continued to perpetrate violence on the Nigerians, particularly the female gender. One of such violenceagainst the female gender by the Boko Haram sect was the abduction of 276 schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State,in April 2014. Some of the girls managed to escape shortly after their abduction; some were released in exchangefor detained Boko Haram Commanders following negotiations with the Nigerian Government while thewhereabouts of most of the girls is still unknown. This study analyses gender-based violence in Nigeria specificallyagainst women by the Boko Haram sect. It also analyses violence against Christian women and children. Thisresearch is a descriptive study that employed a case study methodology. Data is sought from the newspapers,diaries, journals and online materials. The study recommends amongst others that the Nigerian governmentthrough the efforts of all security forces should investigate the root cause of Boko Haram insurgency to have abetter understanding of the phenomena in order to tackle the issue with the right strategies.

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