B. N. OKPALAOBI, Precious Nduburuoke EGBULE


Medical negligence is a medical practitioner’s failure to exercise a reasonable degree of skill and care in the treatment of a patient. Cosmetic surgery is the surgical enhancement of the appearance of human body parts for aesthetics. Such medical procedure is done, not for medical reasons, but for beauty sake. Cosmetic surgery is a phenomenon that has gained roots and acceptance in modern Nigerian society as the quest for a seemingly better physical appearance takes centre stage. This artificial enhancement of beauty comes with attendant risks and issues of medical negligence. This work carefully dissected the topical legal issues surrounding cosmetic surgery and medical negligence in Nigeria and emphasized the importance of a spirited regulation of cosmetic surgery practice and ensuring that only licensed practitioners are allowed, so as to depict credibility, responsible medical care, respect for cosmetic surgery patients and maximize the protection of cosmetic surgery health consumers in Nigeria. The doctrinal method of research was utilized in this work. The paper recommended that cosmetic surgery complaints be made in camera for patients’ privacy concerns, more health awareness be made to enhance knowledge of dangers in the procedure and health rights in the area of cosmetic surgery, adequate punishment be meted out for the current widespread subtle social media advertisement of supposed cosmetic surgery prowess, a closer regulation of cosmetic surgery practice to disallow quackery and conduct below par and the need to factor in multi-door court house in the resolution of cosmetic surgery medical negligence claims.

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