Free Medical Services as a means of improving Health care delivery: The role of a Charity Organization

Ismail S., Tahir Y., Ahmad MH., Tangaza AM.


Introduction: Health is a dire need of any community and its absence will lead to the decline in the community’s productivity. Many people cannot afford to pay for the cost of Health care services in developing countries. Due to such constrains, charity organizations complement government efforts by providing free health services in such communities. Islamic Medical Association of Nigeria (IMAN) is one of such organizations.

Methodology: This is a report of the experience of an IMAN Chapter in providing free medical services to a community in Sokoto-State over a period of 41/2 years (December 2010 to May 2015). It also provides analysis of the role of IMAN Sokoto-State Chapter in improving Health care delivery.

Results: Nine thousand five hundred and thirty (9530) people benefitted from the free medical services provided by IMAN Sokoto-State. Age ranges of beneficiaries are from 1month to 70years, with mean age group of 15-59years. Female constituted 72.3% and male 27.7%. Malaria was found to be the most prevalent disease followed by upper respiratory tract infections. Other common diseases treated include systemic hypertension, skin rashes, diarrheal diseases and measles. In addition, women with normal pregnancy were also monitored.

Conclusion: It was therefore concluded that charity organizations can play important roles in improving health care delivery through provision of free medical services especially in low-income communities. We recommend that health care workers, government and individuals should embrace the spirit of free Medical services and partner with charity organizations in order to meet the challenges of health care delivery in the 21st century.

Keywords: Free Medical Services, Healthcare delivery, Charity organization,

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