Role of immunisation in preventing tetanus - A case report of tetanus in a 19 year old boy

Oseni TIA., Suleman AS.


Introduction:The aim of this report is to highlight the importance of immunisation in the prevention of tetanus. Tetanus is anacute neurologic disease caused by Clostridium tetani, leading to release of neurotoxin – Tetanospasmin, whichcauses muscle spasm. It is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. The high prevalence of tetanus inNigeria is due to poor access and poor utilisation of routine immunisations as tetanus is a vaccine preventabledisease with low morbidity and mortality in developed countries where routine immunisations are taken religiously.

Methodology:The case presented highlights the management of tetanus in a nineteen year old boy at the Irrua Specialist TeachingHospital, Irrua, with a ten day history of dirty wound secondary to road traffic accident who presented with trismusand generalized spasms of three and two days duration respectively. He was from a poor socio-economicbackground and has not received immunisation for tetanus in the past fifteen years and could not ascertain if he wasgiven routine childhood immunisation.

Results: He was hospitalised for a month and discharged without sequelae. Immunisation is vital in the prevention of tetanus and it saves a lot of time, money and resources spent in combating tetanus when it arises and should therefore be embraced by all.

Conclusion: This case brings to fore the disease burden of tetanus and the need for routine and booster immunisations to prevent tetanus.

Keywords: Tetanus, trismus, spasm, neurotoxin, 19 year-old

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