Imperforate hymen with cryptomenorrhae in a 14 year old girl: a case report

Umar-Sulayman H., Sule I. B., Barde A.S.


Introduction: Imperforate hymen is a rare congenital obstruction of the vagina that is associated with accumulation of uterovaginal secretions often producing hydrometrocolpos.

Methodology/Results (Case report): This is a report of miss A. B., a 14 year old premenarchial secondary school student who presented to ourunit in July 2010 with three months history of progressive abdominal swelling and six months history ofcyclical lower abdominal pain. There was no history of bleeding per vaginum. On examination her generalcondition was satisfactory and her vital signs were stable. Abdominal examination revealed a 30 weeks sizepelvic mass which was tense and non tender. Vaginal examination showed normal external genitalia with atense, bulging imperforate hymen. After investigations a diagnosis of imperforate hymen withcryptomenorrhea was made. The patient had cruciate incision of the hymen done with gentle evacuation ofabout 2 litres of altered blood. She had a good post operative recovery and was discharged home five dayslater. She had regular normal follow up visits.

Conclusion: Imperforate hymen with Cryptomenorrhea is a rare surgically correctable condition which in severe untreated forms may lead to infertility and urinary retention.

Keywords: Imperforate hymen, Crptomenorrhea, Nigerian, Secondary school student


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