Chinwe Patricia ILOKA


Legal education is the fulcrum of social order. It is imperative it trends with scientific dynamics and technological advancement. However, its advancement with technology is not severed from the perennial issue of patriarchal hegemony. Thus, its contents and practices lead to gender disparity against women and the less privileged. To espouse further on the relevant concepts and related challenges, this article dwelt on in depth analysis of gender mainstreaming in digital legal education. These also defined the scope and limitation of the study. The research design and methodology was doctrinal approach, using analytical and descriptive research methodology. The main sources of data collection were various literatures, both from the physical and e library. It was observed among others that digital legal education is expansive to cover the law teaching and learning, academic scholarship, litigation, judiciary, legislation, and policy formulations and implementation which are mostly male dominance. One of the recommendations was that the stakeholders in digital legal education should be cognizance and committed to gender balance accordingly. Finally, the significance of this article is the enrichment in literature in human right, feminism, and social order

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