Ogugua V. C. IKPEZE; Gerald Chinonye ARIRIGUZOH


Water is used for industrial and municipal purposes. The largest water requirement is for municipal use but the standard of purity required for this purpose is quite different from that demanded for industrial and commercial use. In industrial more than half, the water is used in chemical plants for the purpose of cooling. A large volume of water is also used for the purpose of dilution and making solutions. While for the first purpose the composition of cooling water is of no importance, in the second, the water used should be reasonably pure. Water can be used for direct and indirect purpose. The bulk of the world’s water use is for agriculture, industry and electricity. The availability of water, both in quantity and quantity, is one of the prime factors in deciding the growth of towns and cities as well as industries. Therefore, there is need for water resources management and control to avoid pollution, which is the process of planning, developing and managing water resources, in terms of both water quantity and quality across all water uses. It includes institutions, infrastructures, incentives and information systems that support and guide water management and control. This article considered sources of water pollution, types and water pollution, effects of water pollution and various control methods and management of water pollution in Nigeria, amongst others and made necessary recommendations in controlling water pollution in Nigeria.

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