Health records creation, storage and the concept of filtering: The Biblical and the Qur'anic perspectives
Background/Objectives: This paper examined Health Records Creation, Storage and the Concept of Filtering; the Bible andthe Quran perspectives in order to establish similarities between them and health records keeping. The aim of the papertherefore is to produce biblical and Quranic evidences of records creation, storage and show whether there is concept ofinformation filtering in the Bible and in Al-Qur[an. Methods/Design: The meaning, importance and benefits of health recordscreation, storage and information filtering reflecting the opinions of some scholar,s who had worked on them were adequatelyreviewed and underscored in comparison with various relevant quotations from the Bible and Al-Qur’an. This is to establishthe similarities between the Bible, the Quran and health records creation, storage and the concept of information filtering.Results: In the final analysis, it was discovered in the Bible and Al-Qur’an that creation is of God. The same way we arecreating records, storing and retrieving them today. The concept of information filtering, which health records managers areusing to ensure confidentiality of patients’ records and deny people unauthorized access to patient information also originatedfrom the Bible and Al-Qur’an. The concept of information filtering was also evidenced.. Conclusion: Finally, while makingdistinction between the believers and unbelievers, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "That which differentiates us from the disbelievers and hypocrites is our performance of Salat. He who abandons it, becomes a disbeliever". It can therefore beconcluded that health records creation, storage and the concept of information filtering actually originated from the Bible andAl-Quran in view of the relevant Biblical and Quranic verses perspectives highlighted in this paper.Keywords: Health records creation, Health records storage, Concept of filtering, Health information management; Scriptural affirmation.
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