Application of ICT in health information management practices in selected tertiary hospitals in South- South States of Nigeria

Ebiteinye Lucky Dogiye, Victor Ayebanengimote, Eguono Edeki


Background/Objectives: This study investigated the application of information communicationtechnology to health information management (HIM) practices in two selected tertiary hospitals inSouth-South, Nigeria. Design/Methods: : Descriptive survey design was adopted and total enumerationof 78 HIM practitioners were recruited. Data was collected with the aid of a well-structuredquestionnaire. Mean and standard deviation were computed using SPSS Version ?? and the nullhypothesis (Ho) was tested using independent sample T-test. Results: The study revealed that 33.8% ofthe participants were from NDUTH, Okolobiri and 66.2% were from FMC Asaba. It was reported thatICT was being applied in registration/documentation of patient. Manual method is however, stilleffective alongside with ICT application. The technology was being applied in case transfer within thehospital but, patient samples were not transferred to other hospitals due to none implementation ofneeded software. It was also noted that ICT was being applied in the analysis of patient data andmanagement of patient/ clinical records in the hospitals but, manual system of preservation of recordsstill persists. The null hypothesis tested was rejected and concluded that there is a significant differencebetween the mean responses of NDUTH staff Okolobiri and staff of FMC Asaba on application of ICTin the two selected hospitals. Conclusion: It is obvious to conclude that, there is more of ICTsapplication in FMC, Asaba in Delta State than NDUTH, Okolobiri in Bayelsa State. Based on thesediscoveries, government should provide stable electricity and adequate funding system to ensure full implementation of ICT in the hospitals to promote effective healthcare delivery as well as provision ofneeded ICT equipment and manpower for efficient healthcare services in tertiary hospitals across the South- South State of Nigeria.Keywords: Clinical Documentation; Health Information Management; Information and Communication Technologies; Patient Registration; Nigeria

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