Intra-professional relationship, unionism, commitment and membership behaviour in professional associations: the stand of health records professionals in Nigeria
Background/Objectives: Membership behaviour and commitment to professional associations and trade unions isa function of a number of factors, which could make or mar the quality of intra-professional relationship, viabilityof trade unionism and cohesion of professional associations. In the light of this, this review sought to discuss therelationship between intra-professional relationship, unionism, commitment and membership behaviour inprofessional associations with health records and information management in focus. Methods/Design: The studyprovides an insight into the concepts of intra-professional relationship, unionism, professional commitment andmembership behaviours through a review of related literature and sharing of observations and opinions based onpersonal experiences as leaders in professional association; Association of Health Records and InformationManagement Practitioners of Nigeria (AHRIMPN) and trade unionism; Senior Staff Association of Universities,Teaching Hospitals, Research Institutes and Associated Institutions (SSAUTHRIAI) in the Nigerian health careindustry. Literature search was done using Google Scholar. Result: The review shows that intra-professionalrelationship could be enhanced if influencing factors such as mutual respect and effective collaboration ispromoted. Trade unions’ and professional associations’ leadership, on the other hand, must provide membershipcentred leadership to elicit favourable membership behaviour and commitment. Conclusion: There is a need forprofessional associations such as AHRIMPN, to promote cultures, qualities and ethics that encourage intraprofessionalcollaboration and discourage intra- and inter-professional conflicts. Besides, leadership, both atassociations or unions level, must be members-oriented, members-driven and members-centred in order to achieverequisite commitment and positive members’ behaviour.Keywords: Intra-professional relationship; Intra-professional conflict; Intra-professional collaboration; Unioncommitment; Membership behaviour
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