Strategizing Works of Selected Nigerian Musicians for the Actualization of Global Peace in the 21st Century

Stella N. Nwobu


Global volatility, conflicts, crisis, divergence, resentment, antagonism,misdemeanor, terrorism, war and other negative social trends proliferate as aresult of ethnic, religious, political tensions and mostly human behavior. Manyattempts made by various countries of the world and many world organizationsto decrease, reduce and defuse these negative social trends acquiesced with littleor no positive result because what is required is to work on human mind toachieve peace. The defenses of peace must be constructed in the minds of men,since wars normally begin in the minds of men. The aim of this paper thereforeis to do collection of works of selected Nigerian musicians’ geared towardsactualizing global peace in this 21st Century. Selected relevant texts from theworks of Chief Osita Osadebe , Chief Dr. Oliver De Coque, Majek Fashek,Ojiakor Patrick among others were interpreted and analyzed under fivecategories: Admonition, Appeal, Advice, Impression and Revelation.Information was elicited by collection of some of their relevant records, throughinternet sources and review of some related literature. It revealed music as a toolthrough which awareness is created, “metanoia†achieved, with power to inspireand generate peace. These musicians through their music with inspiring lyricsare building peace, stopping violence, saving lives, and healing shatteredcommunities. Strategizing their works entails collecting, notating, annotatingtheir works, packaging them and putting them on the internet, television, radio,CD and use them as ringing tunes for the propagation in addition to lifeperformances. It suggested that more encouragement should be given to thesemusicians for them to focus on promoting individual inner peace, love,compassion and forgiveness. This paper would open people’s minds and souls tofollow the right parts, to embrace peace through right music which whenevaluated, will be music that has immense worth for our societies and universal.

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