Concrete and Steel as Form-givers in Art, Architecture and Engineering

Anselm E. O. Eneh, Emmanuel E. Eneh


This paper contains selected sculptures and structures in the fields of Art,Architecture and Engineering, where concrete and steel have been used toexpress outstanding and evocative forms. The aim of this paper is to highlighthow concrete and steel have been used to create forms and landmarks inAhmadu Bello University, Zaria, that appease the senses of observers. They arethe results of how artists, architects and engineers used concrete and steel tocreate forms in their areas of expertise. This study was achieved by studyingexisting artworks and structures to highlight their design elements. The paper isstructured as follows: Introduction, Literature Review, Case Studies (withDiscussions), Recommendations, Conclusion and References. It reviewedliterature on works of concrete and steel, with examples from famous artists,architects and engineers around the world. The research methodology was basedon visual survey and the internet, with appropriate case studies on the subjectmatter.The tools employed in the study are working drawings, measuringinstruments and the android camera. The paper made two (2) studies of artworks from the Department of Fine Arts and two (2) otherarchitectural/engineering works – one from the Department of Architecture andthe other from the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR), all in Ahmadu BelloUniversity, Zaria. It concludes that concrete and steel have unique qualities andproperties that assist artists, architects and engineers in achieving specific forms.

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